Need some ID help.....


Old Timer
Aug 19, 2002
Just got in a shipment of Tanzanian pedes and wanted some ID help on a couple of them. Pedes not being my expertise I figured I would toss out some pics and see if any of the resident pede freaks could help me out. :) Also wondering on the size they reach as I think I know but am not positive.

Thanks in advance for any help as I have found what I believe to be them but like to be sure of what I've got.

1st Up I know this one is S mortisans unless there is some look alike but feel 99% sure mortisans as I've had em before.

Nows where I got confused a tad I believe these next 3 are all subspecies of the same thing or rather color morphs My guess was S cingulata.

Another I thought was cingulata

I also think the redhead here is cingulata but hey I'm certainly open to suggestions or else I wouldn't be asking in the 1st place. :)

And lastly what I believe to be a Tanzanian neon blueleg but wasn't sure of the Latin on beyond the Scolopendra.

Again thanks for any help guys.


Henry Kane

Old Timer
Jul 19, 2002
Hey Phil.
Your first pic is S. morsitans. I'd definitely guess S. cingulata on the center 3 as well. The Neon is Trachycormocephalus sp..

Nice lookin' critters man! :)

See ya.



Old Timer
Aug 19, 2002
thanks Atrax...

That's what I thought despite them being labeled as 3 different species. :) But then again why would I expect an importer to have them listed right huh? If I actually got in an order where everything was dead on correct I might start to worry. lol

Any idea how big the cingulata get? I know on the mortisans and the blueleg but on the cingulata I can only guess. I was thinking the 4 to 5 inch range but I haven't found much on them. I've been trying to locate a good site for ID ing pedes but haven't come across a really killer one yet.


Henry Kane

Old Timer
Jul 19, 2002
Well, I think 5" is pretty much tops for those guys. 6" may be possible but I highly doubt a cingulata could surpass that. They remind me very much of our S. polymorpha and S. viridis.

LOL I know what you mean about importers and their labels. It's a real drag that the exporters have NO clue what they are sending here and the importers aren't much more informed then that either. Thanks goodness for people like Carl and Rowland who bust their butts for what knowledge we have.
