Chinese vs. Texas Red Head pede


Old Timer
Mar 1, 2003
I'm looking at getting my first pede and I really like the looks of the black bodied, yellow legged, red headed species. I see a lot of Chinese red heads around, but not as many of the Texas red heads. What are some of the differences between the speices as far as size, activity levels (do they just burrow and hide all the time or do they come out an cruise around the tank) and hardiness in captivity? Also if anyone out there in pede land has a certain species that they're just crazy about, let me know about it. I'm looking for a really impressive animal, that's nice and active and will do well in captivity.


Old Timer
Aug 16, 2002
Not 100% sure on this (I'm sure Gary or Scott will correct me if I'm wrong), but I'd guess that the Chinese (thought to be in the Scolopendra subspinipes complex) will be the larger of the two, athough both are impressive. I've never kept the Chinese, but I have kept other forms of S. subspinipes. The Texas is probably S. heros "castaneiceps", which I have kept. I'd say that S. heros is apt to be active on the surface more often than the S. subspinipes I've kept. I'd also say that S. heros is a little less hardy. They're a desert species that do not tolerate excessively moist conditions well.

All in all, while S. subspinipes may be hardier and a little bigger, IMO S. heros is a more interesting captive because it's more active. Plus, I can't get over that those impressive beasts live in the same country that I do! The reason S. heros is hard to find right now probably has to do with the season. As the country warms up, more will be collected and you'll see them popping up on more lists. When you see babies offered, it's generally because one of these recently collected females drops a batch of eggs. There is little or no captive breeding going on right now, but hopefully that will change.


Code Monkey

Old Timer
Jul 22, 2002
Another difference is hardiness of captive breds. Me and a lot of others on this board are collectively guilty of killing quite a large number S. heros castaniceps pedelings (or plings as Mr. Internet would say). Although available from time to time as pedelings, I would steer clear as none of us have a good grasp on exactly what conditions they need as babies. Conversely, Chinese redhead pedelings are bullet proof. I started with one at the beginning of last summer that was just a little 2" pure emerald green baby and is now approaching 4" with full adult coloration and it has been as easy to care for as any sling.

My CRH isn't very active except late at night when I should be asleep, but it does spend a lot of time out where it's visible.


Old Timer
Aug 16, 2002
I think Scott has had good luck with his S. heros plings, but yeah, that seems to be the exception rather than the rule.



He Who Rules
Staff member
Jul 16, 2002
Originally posted by Code Monkey
Conversely, Chinese redhead pedelings are bullet proof.
The really sad thing is that mine just up and died on me not too long ago. I really have no damn idea what happened. It was doing fine and then one day it way just a snaky line of mold. :(



Old Timer
Nov 18, 2004
I'm having the same questions/decisions to make, so I'm digging up this old thread rather than starting a new one. I will likely be gettting one or the other of these species soon but I just can't decide which one. The pictures of the Chinese pedes that I have seen seem to show slightly more striking color, but I've never seen a big one for sale ever. I've read that the castaneiceps can get to 8", and I did see one that size for sale in a post here on the boards, but I have also read that the subspinipes of that color form would be slightly bigger. I currently have only one pede (Hong Kong Giant subspinipes ssp.) which is about 8" and bulky and am wondering if either one of the red heads will get to be that thick.

Anyway, I know that many people that post frequently here have had quite a bit of experience in the two years that have passed since this thread was started, so I'm hoping that there may be some new wisdom to share on the topic. Specifically I'm hoping to find out the following:

1. Which species gets longer? Bulkier?

2. What is the longest of either species that any of you have had or seen?

3. Which species hides the least? If they are both very similar in size, I would get the one that I will see the most.

Thanks in advance for your input. :D