Opinion question and behavior question


Old Timer
Oct 28, 2007
I have decided to color code my Ts' enclosures with stickers of red,yellow,and green.Think of them as traffic lights when it comes to handling them.I like this idea,b/c I have friends and family over sometimes,when I'm away and some of them may or may not be inclined to have a closer look or attempt to handle the Ts.I keep them secure and in a seperate room,but even my partner might get inclined to show them off...I just like the idea.

I wanted to know which species you would assign to what colors out of:
B.Vagans (I gave yellow,hair flickers and bitey)
G.rosea (I gave green)
P.irminia (I gave red,b/c they are fast and painful,if you get bitten)
P.cambridgei (red for same reason as above)
N.coloratovillosus(I thought yellow...hair flickers and could be biters)
N.chromatus(yellow for same as above)
C.fasciatus (yellow...just doesn't like to be bothered)
Let me know your thoughts and why:D

Now the behavior question:
My G.rosea is suddenly spinning a large,silken curtain around herself in the upper corner of her enclosure.It is not in a hide,just out in the open and attatched to the lid and the top of her hide.She is large and plump,but I assumed she had another inch or two to go,before being full grown.My question is,what is she doing?She has never webbed much before,she had been eating well,but has been refusing prey for a week or so.I always thought they'd web a hammock on the ground for molting...seems an awkward place to molt.Could she be building and egg sack?What are your thoughts?Thanks


Old Timer
Jan 5, 2007
In my opinion I think you got the colors right on for those species.
Are you sure your rosea is female?
Sound like it might be making a sperm web. But then again rosies are kinda weird anyway.


Old Timer
Oct 13, 2005
Hmm, well I can not imagine anyone handling my T's without my supervision--But I know that is not your question.

Of the sp. you mention the one that I am familiar with that I would change would be the Nhandu collortavalosus. I'm not sure of anyone elses experience with it, but mine is extremely aggressive. I would not put it in the same category as the B. vagans. But hey, maybe mine is just Rambo.



Old Timer
Oct 28, 2007
Well,it's not just handling outright...It's like if I'm away...I can say feed everyone with yellow and green dots and know the person would come out alive:D.It also shows curios people that yes,I do know what I have and what they are capable of and they can all be kept safely with a bit of thought.It's a cue for me to...when doing cleanings or feeding...that red dot makes ya stop and think...ok get the forceps or tongs...don't be stupid.I really doubt I have to worry about coming home to a house full of people with my Ts crawling all over them;)
My Nhandu(the only large one I have)runs and hairs,but never throws a threat display...the vagans though scare the bejeezes out of me....very fast and bitey.The Chevrons haven't done anything to scare me,but they are so fast and spidery:eek:.I like all Ts and have no big fear,but the creepiest looking spiders to me are spindly legged aboreals,like huntsmans and Chevrons.I like my aboreals best though:D.It's the ones that look the scariest to me that captivate me most.Btw pinktoes are too fuzzy to look creepy to me.
I do have an irrational fear of one animal though...that is the shark.I'm not afraid of death,just the whole bite off my leg and leave me thing...just kill me please:). I don't care to suffer.Having said that,I respect and watch with glee all shark movies and documentarys and would get into a shark cage any day,but I'm always creeped out when swimming:(.
Well,I'm tired and rambling...no I'm tired of rambling...night;)


Old Timer
Jun 25, 2007
after reading your first post i had to laugh. i had a run in with my P.cambridgei a few months back, and never really thought about it being more than a cute little spider(~1" at the time). But i was trying to rehouse him and he got away so the first thought i had was OMG i have to get him before my cat does. So i cupped him in my hands and he decided that was not a good place to be. he ran up my arm around my back then down my chest, only to settle in comfortably between my boobs. maybe that's a sign that it really is a he after all, he did seem to enjoy himself there:D


Old Timer
May 19, 2007
Your Color coding is a good idea for what you want. I'm lucky that no one wants to handle or go near my T's. Hehe.

As for the Rosie, how about a pic so we can see what you talking about.


Old Timer
Feb 15, 2007
What? It's a perfectly natural reaction to finding yourself in "that situation".


Old Timer
May 19, 2007
What? It's a perfectly natural reaction to finding yourself in "that situation".
I was referring to you. You are Nasty Mr Butch.

But yeah, that would be the natural reaction. Unless you hungry.


Old Timer
Jun 25, 2007
arachnophoria, I'm sorry to hijack your thread with my boobs.:( i honestly didn't think when i posted the story. though it really was funny.
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Old Timer
Oct 28, 2007
Update on rosea

Lol...damn you and your boobs...they're taking over arachnoboards now....next it's the world:eek:!S'ok.

Guess what!!!!!
My rosea has a very skinny abdomen and a large round sac of eggs in her clutches this am!!!!:clap: Now I have no clue what to do with her/them.Do I offer her food now?I know it's ok to take the eggs in about a month and incubate them according to things I have seen and read on this site.I didn't breed her,she was gravid when I got her,though she didn't seem to be...her abdomen was slightly below average in size,but not shrunken.I fed her twice a week,nice big roaches and then she stopped eating about a week or 2 ago.I would be very glad to practice on her eggs,before I move to more challengeing Ts.I am way excited....it's a rosea....I know,but hey,I had 0 Ts less than 3 months ago...now I have 15 and a sac of eggs.:D;P

BTW.Butch,you should listen to the audio clips on www.wandasykes.com...I think you'll laugh yourself into respitory arrest...not that I was aiming for your death...it's funny stuff;)
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