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Pamphobeteus vespertinum (RED BLOOM TARANTULA)


Old Timer
Jun 30, 2007
Tarantula: Pamphobeteus vespertinum
size: 7"+
gender: Female

Gender: Male
Age: 20
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 145
Location of the bite: my left hand middle finger.
Date of getting biten: April 9 2008


First Day - from my whole left hand to my upper wrist swelled.(nasty looking) my left hand turn into pinkish red and its very hot on that part.
I'm having trouble moving my left hand it was kinda heavy. its like i worked out in the gym.

Second Day (climax) - the swelling of my left hand began to disapper. (i thought i was finally ok and i survive :clap: but it just began ) The Muscle cramps or spasm start showing up really bad every 20 - 15 mins :(. My legs, feet, hands, chest, stomach, neck, arms, shoulder, jaw are all locking up one at a time. Usually both my legs and hands are the one that locks up. (its good thing that my family is helping me get true this hell).

Third Day - I had a mild fever. The cramps are still there but they only come every 2-3 hours or when i put stress on a certain muscle. worst day ever, around 7 p.m. both my legs start cramping i sat on the chair and my stomach and chest also start cramping then i was screaming in pain then my jaw and neck started to cramp too X_X. (I can see my muscle moving up and down, it reminds me of the movie Exorcist) I almost called 911 for help but i realized that they can't do anything and just investigate on my tarantula and make a big deal out of them. also i did not have trouble breathing but i had a chest pain and severe muscle cramps.

Fourth Day to Seventh Day - the cramps still comes once in awhile and they go away after a few minutes usually when i stretched or over used my muscles. i was not allowed to drive for 2 weeks until cramps are fully gone. i was also out for school for 2 days.

Treatment I've Used:
benadryll (sorry for the speling) - No effect at all
bengae for muscle cramps - lil help
hot towel for muscle - no effect
ice bag for muscle - lil help
tylinol for swelling - it help
two other sleeping and muscle relacants - it kinda help
Doctor - no help
emergency room - no help (waste of money and time)
rest and vitamins (calicium) - it helps alot
masage - very helpul

NOTE: Don't go to the emergency room if you get bitten because they will not help you. they will just tell you what you already know! example "tarantula bite are not deadly so dont worry just take some tylinol or benadryll bye" there goes your 800 bucks for going there lol


Old Timer
May 2, 2005
OK people. The Bite Report, Sting Report, and Breeding Reports section are for first hand accounts or reports only, not personal commentary. In case no one has figured it out, anything other than a breeding/bite/sting report will be deleted.