Ben Siegel Reptile. Oct-5-2012


Dec 14, 2011
Hey everyone! I just wanted to spread the joy of Ben Siegel Reptiles!!

They post auctions on FB EVERY DAY, including a nice selection of reptiles and T's, they offer a shipping service to people out of state! Really amazing and fun!
They show a picture of the animal for sale, and you comment your bid, its really fun and easy to participate, and if you live near Deerfield Beach, Florida, you can locally go in and pick up your winnings!

On October 5th, 2012, Ben Siegel Reptiles will be hosting an event known as "Midnight Madness". Those that are locally, I recommend you show up at the store at around 7pm when they begin! They will have FUN contests where you will eat "bugs for balls"!!
"So this is how it works: The guy or gal that eats the most bugs in 4 minutes without vomiting will win one of four ball pythons! Including: A female Graphite sire Ivory (Discoid roaches), Female Orange Belly(Hornworms), Female Pastel(Superworms) or a Male Lesser(crickets)... "Bugs for Balls contest" qualifying begins at 7PM and Danny from Urban Jungles Radio will be broadcasting live starting 8pm. Stop by and save up to 50% off EVERYTHING in the store! Then take advantage of our HUGE sidewalk sale, giveaways, live auctions, free sodas and snacks!"
They are located at: 3314 W. Hillsboro blvd, Deerfield Beach
Contact them @ (954)427-2939

From what I've heard, they will ALSO be having some sales online, so people who aren't local can participate!! It's going to be fun, and I just wanted to spread the word so all of you can enjoy it!!
Take care guys! See you there! Enjoy!

~Walter K.


Old Timer
Jan 4, 2003
I'm sure I'll catch some flak for this or it will be deleted but, he mostly sells/auctions WC spiders that occasionally are ID'ed incorrectly. Anybody that is reading this on this site should support dealers selling CB animals from dealers/breeders that specialize in tarantulas and not a reptile dealer selling WC pet trade junk.

In no way am I trying to take creditability away from his knowledge in the reptile business, as I understand he's very well respected. As well I always supported Urban Jungles Radio in all there goals. It sounds like a good time I will tune in as always Friday, but buy spiders from spider dealers and reptiles from reptile dealers. Just me 2 cents.

Later, Tom