Caring for dragonfly nymphs


Jul 13, 2013
Hi there!

The pool was out of commission most of the summer which allowed quite literally a breeding ground for all sorts of creatures in the area. I saved a few tadpoles and about 15 dragonfly nymphs from the pool as the pool guy came to clean it ttoday.

I have found plenty of info on raising the tadpoles, but am left with a few questions about the possibility of raising these nymphs.

They already have some small wings developing on them. I know online it says they can stay in nymph form for years, but I think these ones look like they are getting big fast.
I see that they eat tadpoles, but I obviously don't want to feed them that. Does anyone know if they eat land insects? Like, can I dangle meal worms in the water for them to eat? My biggest concern is if I can feed them. I also don't know how much water I need to raise that many, or how big of a tank to put them in. I have them all in a big tupperware container right now but I know that can't last long.
They're all about an inch long each.

I took some pictures I will upload them later. Pretty cool looking little guys.


Old Timer
Jul 3, 2012
This is a great question for me! :) I have found about 20 of them, this summer in a creek outside along with all sorts of critters. I kept one and released a bunch after I examined them for a few weeks. I keep them separate, I have no idea if the are cannibalistic to a certain degree or not so better safe than sorry. I feed mine leafhoppers, mealworms, dubia roaches, pretty much anything will work. I fed one a mealworm today actually haha. I just drop it in the water, it starts moving and then BOOM, the nymph has it. Mine molted about twice in about a month so they are growing fast. The one I kept is in a very large deli cup with a fake leaf to anchor itself on. I caught some baby bass in the creek too and I had it in a nymph a little smaller than itself and the fish quickly became food. They are voracious predators haha.


Jul 13, 2013
Thanks! I can't wait to get them some meal worms tomorrow. I didn't separate them yet but I guess I should just in case. Very cool! I can't wait to see these guys eat.


Old Timer
Jul 3, 2012
It is awesome watching them eat, they watch their prey like a mantis then slowly move forward and then attack, one thing though, they might have some problems with mealworms a little large. Its like they cant get a grip, I use a needle to move things through the water if it isn't moving and then it catches the nymphs attention.