Centipede Problem


Jul 25, 2014
Hello Everyone!

I have little problem with my centipede it is not active at all,it just keeps hiding under stone...
it dont want to eat anything (crickets,grasshopers,worms,earthworms,aphids,...) I am just wondering what's the problem? I am spraying container with water everyday so substrate is not even damp or dry,and he can burrow in it,but he is just inactive (until I dont touch him with stick and then he starts running around container) he hide under little stone and not coming out whole day,I am wondering what's the problem? Is he going to molt or what?

And btw some information of centipede:

Centpede name: Garden Centipede
-Lithobius forficatus

Centipede Legs: 13 Pair of Legs

Centipede Gender: Unknown yet...

Centipede Length:Around 3 cm ,including legs


Mar 11, 2014
Was it wild caught? It could be that it has reached an old age and is slowly dying which is totally natural of course and not your fault. Or, he could be going into a molt. My centipede sometimes likes to hide for weeks and then suddenly, he's hanging out on top of the substrate. If he keeps being disturbed from his hide, this can lead to stress and make whatever situation it is in worse. Try not to "bug" him for a week or so and see how it goes.There are some things we won't ever really understand!

Good luck :)