Beginner Poecilotheria


Jan 8, 2015
I want to get a Poecilotheria for my next T. I already have P cambridgei so I'm ready for the next step. What would you guys recommend for my first pokie.


Aug 31, 2014
Whats the hurry? Weren't you in a panicking over your cambridgei's speed a couple weeks ago? I'd recommend you live with that for a while. Cost of screwing up with a pokie is pretty high, from what I hear. Their venom sucks.


Sep 14, 2014
It's not a purchase order, it's a proficiency order. You have to gain some experience first with the Psalmi and you haven't given that enough time, imo.


Old Timer
Mar 28, 2013
I'm pretty sure in your last thread you were talking about how you're intimidated of your P. cambridgei right? Even if it has been a few weeks you are in NO way ready for a Poec. Give it at least a few months (or years) working your way up, there's no shame to that. But, similar to what I said in the other thread, it's not going to be fair for the animal to have someone who isn't experienced. Save yourself, and the tarantula, the trouble. Having a Psalmopoeus does not make you qualified to jump right into a Poec in any shape or form. Keep working with fast moving NW species then work your way up to a slow-moderate OW, like a Ceratogyrus sp. or Eucratoscelus pachypus. And this hobby doesn't need a blow to it that a young teen getting bit by a 'huge deadly giant spider' would cause.

Angel Minkov

Aug 3, 2014
Judging from his posts I dont think he will listen so I will just go on and recommend P. metallica/subfusca/miranda before he gets the wrong Pokie.


Feb 13, 2014
Pokies and beginner do not belong is the same sentence unless it is "are not for". You had a hard time with your psalmo, a pokie will make you pay for such sloppiness. Your parents said no "hot" Ts and you need to respect that wish. Out of the 5 species I have my vitatta is the most calm while the metallica is the most nasty but at the end of the day they are all very similar in temperament and are very potent. You haven't even gotten into African OW yet, those will be even more defensive than the psalmo and are what you should step into. Who knows maybe you won't even want a pokie, the African OW are very diverse and more interesting than pokies in my humble opinion.


Old Timer
Mar 28, 2013
well, I'm not planning on getting one any time soon. I will probably wait few months( I like you say).
It's good that you're making the right call for waiting a few months, however, just waiting isn't enough. Build your confidence up with the tarantulas you have now and slowly work your way up. This isn't a race and you don't get any prizes for winning. Get a few more fast NW species after you become comfortable with your Psalmo, then I'd get an aggressive NW (like a Phormictopus), then I'd get an OW (like the ones I mentioned). But, once again, it's good that you're waiting.

cold blood

Staff member
Jan 19, 2014
Pokies and beginner do not belong is the same sentence unless it is "are not for".
My thoughts as well. I'd rather this thread have been titled; "first Poecilotheria" and keep the word beginner away...

Check out the thread posted by biollantefan (I hate your "handle", I always have to go back 5 times to spell it right), he posted a thread with all you'll need to decide....when you're ready.


Aug 31, 2014
well, I'm not planning on getting one any time soon. I will probably wait few months( I like you say).
Good call. Once you've let your cambridgei grow to an adult and had to rehouse it and spent time cleaning and otherwise maintaining its enclosure you'll be in a better position to make a good decision re getting one.


Jan 8, 2015
I'm pretty sure in your last thread you were talking about how you're intimidated of your P. cambridgei right? Even if it has been a few weeks you are in NO way ready for a Poec. Give it at least a few months (or years) working your way up, there's no shame to that. But, similar to what I said in the other thread, it's not going to be fair for the animal to have someone who isn't experienced. Save yourself, and the tarantula, the trouble. Having a Psalmopoeus does not make you qualified to jump right into a Poec in any shape or form. Keep working with fast moving NW species then work your way up to a slow-moderate OW, like a Ceratogyrus sp. or Eucratoscelus pachypus. And this hobby doesn't need a blow to it that a young teen getting bit by a 'huge deadly giant spider' would cause.
well, I'm not planning on getting one any time soon. I will probably wait few months( I like you say); my parent probably won't let me have a another T for a few months anyway.

Angel Minkov

Aug 3, 2014
Pokies and beginner do not belong is the same sentence unless it is "are not for". You had a hard time with your psalmo, a pokie will make you pay for such sloppiness. Your parents said no "hot" Ts and you need to respect that wish. Out of the 5 species I have my vitatta is the most calm while the metallica is the most nasty but at the end of the day they are all very similar in temperament and are very potent. You haven't even gotten into African OW yet, those will be even more defensive than the psalmo and are what you should step into. Who knows maybe you won't even want a pokie, the African OW are very diverse and more interesting than pokies in my humble opinion.
Depends on the genus. Some African OWs are just as intimidating and potent as Pokies are. Yes, Im looking at you, P. murinus.


Feb 13, 2014
Depends on the genus. Some African OWs are just as intimidating and potent as Pokies are. Yes, Im looking at you, P. murinus.
I was thinking more of C.darlingi and similar species. OBT, S.cals and H.macs make pokies look like kittens so I will agree with you there.

cold blood

Staff member
Jan 19, 2014
Replace months with years, you're 15 you have tons of time to get to a pokie.
+1 its not a race, and there' nothing to win. Patience is a virtue, and few hobbies require the patience that this one does. I'm of the opinion that slower is almost always the most beneficial way to go for both you, and the t's involved.


Old Timer
Mar 28, 2013
Replace months with years, you're 15 you have tons of time to get to a pokie.
This. Should have said years instead of months in my post, my mistake on that part. I'm 20 years old, worked with venomous snakes, crocodiles, large constrictors, NW tarantulas (in and out of the field), and I do have 1 OW. I hardly feel like I'm ready for a Poec, and I do admire their beauty and all, I'd love to get one, but I'll wait a few more years. I don't feel like I'm ready for them and there's nothing wrong with that at all. I'll wait until I feel like I can give the tarantula the proper care that it deserves then, maybe, I'll get one.


Jan 8, 2015
If you guys don't think a pokie would be a good T for me right now I will just get a birdeater or a NW arboreal.
Last edited:

cold blood

Staff member
Jan 19, 2014
This. Should have said years instead of months in my post, my mistake on that part. I'm 20 years old, worked with venomous snakes, crocodiles, large constrictors, NW tarantulas (in and out of the field), and I do have 1 OW. I hardly feel like I'm ready for a Poec, and I do admire their beauty and all, I'd love to get one, but I'll wait a few more years. I don't feel like I'm ready for them and there's nothing wrong with that at all. I'll wait until I feel like I can give the tarantula the proper care that it deserves then, maybe, I'll get one.
Not only is there nothing wrong about that....there is everything right about it. I applaud you and wish more understood what you do...your experiences have no doubt helped you to make good decisions and be a good example for new keepers to follow.