Slings arrived together (non communal species)


Mar 8, 2015
Hi Guys!

I recently got an order in (I won't say from where) and all 5 slings arrived TOGETHER in a 4 inch diameter container. :eek: I didn't get pics, as I scrambled to find vials here to separate them. Seller did not tell me they would be arriving like that. They are very small, as in 1/4 inch L. Parahybana (sal. pink bird eater). Is this "done" with slings that small and is it safe? I have no idea whey the seller sent them that way, but since I am a noob maybe this is "o.k". Thanks for your input. p.s one seems to have a defensive injury, one pedipalp is bent right back over its back and not able to use it.

Angel Minkov

Aug 3, 2014
I've never heard any seller doing that with non-communal species. I don't think it's "okay" by the slightest. You could have had dead slings arriving or 2 of them munching the other 2.


Oct 9, 2014
I have only ever received slings separate in their own containers, i've never heard of non "communal" Ts being packed together in one container... I think it's pretty irresponsible of the seller to do this


Nov 28, 2011
Shouldn't we know who it is? If that's an on going problem with this particular seller, it should be known, in my opinion, so that the seller can fix the issue and/or us as customers just know not to purchase from the sller any longer.


Old Timer
Aug 19, 2009
Or instead of putting the sellers head on a stick just request that any slings just be shipped in their own container.....


Mar 8, 2015
I am in canada so am limited for large variety T sellers, so don't want to burn this bridge. But i will request they arrive in their own vials next time, and assume nothing.. I am very lucky that all 5 arrived and that i separated immediately. Giving the injured one pre-killed pinheads and fruit flies so he has options. Thanks all!!


Old Timer
Feb 6, 2013
Or instead of putting the sellers head on a stick just request that any slings just be shipped in their own container.....
You shouldn't HAVE to request something that should be done properly anyways. The seller should be named in the "warning/inquiry" section and given a negative review because people need to know they ship their spiders in a completely unsafe manner. If I had someone send me spiders this way, I would certainly let people know about it. It's just not right.


Mar 8, 2015
SoCal, you have options, how many in the U.S? How many shippers/big sellers in Canada? This will be handled privately.

Pics of the broken Pedi - it is straight over its back, tried to push it back but spidie just ran away -too small to manipulate without hurting him worse. Just giving him TLC.


cold blood

Staff member
Jan 19, 2014
I received 16 N. chromatus about that size...all were together and had zero issues.


Old Timer
Jan 4, 2003
If I was shipping 4 spiders I would of probably separated them. Although I've shipped and received spiders that were together in the past. Think if it was a breeding loan, and the breeder had to ship half of the sac back to the owner of the male. Would they be expected to separate the other half of a sac they are shipping. What if it was half of a Lasiodora sac? Of course they would ship them all together then.

Later, Tom


Mar 17, 2015
I feel like a sac is different though. Then you're expecting an indefinite number. If I paid for 5 spiders I would expect 5 spiders, and I'd be mad if I got 4 spiders one of whom is really fat. ;)


Mar 17, 2014
I have both shipped and received slings up to 3i in groups. That Lp looks to be 3i?
I also raised A. brocklehursti slings which were kept together until third instar (about 1/4") in groups of 100, and they were shipped out together with no reported losses. There's always the chance of cannibalism, but I've found that keeping them cool and well fed gives you more time before you need to separate them. This advice was given to me by a breeder. I'm sure this is common practice when dealing with 2000+ slings like Lp's give you. If the breeder was confident enough to guarantee live slings (which you received)...I wouldn't make a big deal of it.:cool:
Lp's are a fun fast growing species.
Enjoy them.:biggrin:



Old Timer
Aug 15, 2005
I've heard that sac mates are more or less safe to keep together in the early instars. I transported a vial of twelve 3i A. versicolors together long distance and separated them when I got home. No issues.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Staff member
Jul 27, 2009
Mod note

Just a reminder that there is a subforum for reviews. Do not name or call out the seller here please, it will just be removed.


Mar 8, 2015
Thank you for sharing all your experiences and opinions, still glad I separated fast and think I should have been told to have vials ready. Hearing that it can be done when that small is new to me, and why I didn't call them out as a bad seller without knowing for sure what the norm was. Thank you for sharing all your valued experiences all!

cold blood

Staff member
Jan 19, 2014
That palp isn't anything you should be concerned about, that sling should be just fine.


Old Timer
Jul 20, 2009
I find it very alarming that some are willing to crucify a persons name over absolutely nothing. As been said above by folks with a tad bit of experience, yes this can be considered a acceptable practice at that size. I do agree with that small a number, I would of packed in straws or 7 dram vials. To the other extreme I've purchased 100, 200 or more of something, they came to me in bulk and I had to seperate. Now if you send me 10 2inch spiders in one big deli , we will have a big issue.

pyro fiend

Dec 29, 2013
to me this is kinda sad.. i mean who cant aford a single pack of straws? o_O iv received 4 slings in 1 4oz cup.. in own individual straws... iv seen i wana say on RFUK that somone sent out 3 straws [uncut, normal drinking length]each with 5 or 6 slings in each them[all dif sp] labeled the slings as he secured them in their section of straw[extra packing so you could cut it at the paper towel if T's was huddled by eachother].... and added a pair of scissors for free.. now that was lazy in my eyes!.. now yes they may be small and if their was 100 that may usually go down well in a overnight order..but on a small order like that.. dont you think they should of asked.. and lets give the seller the benifit of the doubt.. maybe they was outa clear straws id personally expect a email/message saying something along the lines of "im sorry, it looks like iv run out of clear straws. it will take a few days to get them in, is it alright if i package them all in a single soufle cup?, if not it will be a few day" or even "itl be an extra 2dollars do to size if i use 4 soufle cups" idk about you but if i wanted them RIGHT now.. and i had thi soption.. id of given a few extra dolars so i didnt have to wait.

maybe its just me tho.. because id expect to receive a bulk order in at least staws.. id be mad if i opened a 32oz and 100 psalm's[pr faster] ran all over the frikkin place -.- guess ill hafta add that to any TOS when i loan again XD
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Mar 26, 2013
to me this is kinda sad.. i mean who cant aford a single pack of straws? o_O iv received 4 slings in 1 4oz cup.. in own individual straws...maybe they was outa clear straws id personally expect a email/message saying something along the lines of "im sorry, it looks like iv run out of clear straws. it will take a few days to get them in, is it alright if i package them all in a single soufle cup?, if not it will be a few day" or even "itl be an extra 2dollars do to size if i use 4 soufle cups" idk about you but if i wanted them RIGHT now.. and i had thi soption.. id of given a few extra dolars so i didnt have to wait.

maybe its just me tho.. because id expect to receive a bulk order in at least staws.. id be mad if i opened a 32oz and 100 psalm's[pr faster] ran all over the frikkin place -.- guess ill hafta add that to any TOS when i loan again XD
When you get a large group of slings, someone's going to have to separate them: the buyer or the seller. If the seller does it, the buyer may not get as good a deal in price or quantity. Are buyers somehow unable to do it, too prissy, don't want to get their hands 'dirty', but sellers are required to? Double standard? If you don't want to deal with it when you trade/buy in bulk, how can you dump it on someone else? Are you 'too good' to separate slings? So you're going to separate and ship the slings you breed in vials or straws, but somehow you're unable to separate them when they come from a breeder? You have to be kidding. This is your logic?

In your example, you're getting 100 psalmo slings: you expect someone else to separate them because you don't want to deal with it. Slings normally live together for a while in a nursery. No big deal to keep them together at 2nd instar, and to ship that way. 100 vials or souffle cups take up more room to ship (may take 2 packages and double the freight...are you willing to pay the extra cost yourself?). Putting that many slings in straws is time consuming. Since when is shipping 100+ slings in individual straws the 'right' way to do it? Straws aren't the miracle shipping solution. You don't have the experience to know how the hobby works behind the scenes, obviously haven't bred or shipped much. When you start hatching out a number of sacs and are sending out hundreds and hundreds of slings, we'll see how long it takes before you before you start shipping slings in groups. Walk the talk before you criticize others.