T vision under-estimatd?


Oct 13, 2011
T vision under-estimatd? Crazy fireleg

Very Shocking behavior , from these Ts they seem to be tapping & communicating.

My Fireleg B bohemi and, my Suntiger )P irimina) are like showing threat poses and fangs? at eachother
Mostly the Fireleg , and they are nearby but not close enough the fireleg had to see the P irminia as a meal,.
Despite them being in different cages.
Cages are about 2" apart, Ts were 6" apart.

Fireleg seems very mad.
Also they are close to a nasrby lamp maybe that's why it sees so good.

I doubt anyone who thinks ts have bad vision, Sadly I think this is false.
I believe they can see pretty good, for a very ancient spider.
Ts are anything but primitive , seem very intelligent for spiders.

Its like some scifi godzilla fight with Ts, who cant fight each-other,.
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Old Timer
Jan 30, 2012
They hardly see anything really - their main sense is vibration-detection. I don't know where you get that notion their vision would be pretty good, but it's false.

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Mar 26, 2013
I think arboreals have good eyesight by spider standards. They're more alert and aware, and I can see them watch me when I'm close. In trees, there's more exposure to airborne predators (that strike fast), and tarantulas have to use all their senses to detect them in time. They can't afford to fall when running and jumping to evade predators either, so they have to be able to see somewhat clearly for at least a few feet in front of them, which would be one reason why they have enlarged AME (anterior median eyes, or center front). Even so, I don't think they can see detail at any distance. They just don't need that ability.

With most terrestrials, vibrations seem to be what they're primarily tuned in to. In a burrow, most of their vision needs would be met by just being able to tell light from dark, as when an animal in entering their burrow and blocking the light.