Robots mimic Geckos/ Cockroach 'rapid inversion'


Old Timer
Mar 7, 2005
Found this interesting article about how scientists have given robots the agility of a Gecko and or Cockroach. Although it's fascinating I sometimes wonder if doing these things is very misguided and will have unintended consequences down the line. Sometimes I wonder if endowing robots with all these super human abilities just because they can is scientists practicing science or if the scientists need to get a life. I mean how does this really help anyone? It seems to be doing something because they can instead of doing it to pursue a practical purpose, as is so often the case with robotics these days and why I can't stand the field. We really need stricter control measures on what can and cant be done with robots.

Anyway the article highlights some of the fascinating abilities of our critters and makes us realize how incredible they truly are.

Robots mimic cockroach's disappearing act

Cockroaches are adept at vanishing under ledges in the blink of an eye. Now researchers have built a robot that replicates the insect's feat.

A robot that copies how cockroaches and geckos can disappear under ledges in the blink of an eye could lead to search-and-rescue droids with animal-like maneuverability, researchers say.

Scientists regularly look to nature for inspiration when designing robots, with the hope of learning from millions of years of evolution. Recent examples include droids that mimic the cheetah's stride or the legs of velociraptor.

While monitoring a cockroach with high-speed video cameras to see how it crossed gaps while running at high speeds, "we were surprised to find the insect gone," said researcher Robert Full, an integrative biologist at the University of California at Berkeley.

"After searching, we discovered it upside-down under the ledge," Full said. "After close inspection of the video, we saw that the cockroach was using its legs as grappling hooks by engaging its claws at the tip of the ledge."

The scientists then saw that geckos in the lab could also run off ledges at full speed and carry out this pendulumlike flip, dubbed "rapid inversion," using hooklike toenails to swing themselves fully around to land firmly on the undersides of platforms. The researchers then contacted integrative biologist Ardian Jusufi who was studying geckos in the field in the rainforests of Singapore to see if the lizards dove over ledges the same way in the wild.

"We wondered whether this was a behavior really used in nature to escape predators," Full said. "To his surprise, he found that a gecko chased to the end of a broken Bird's Nest Fern leaf also disappeared. Using high-speed video, he showed that geckos used rapid inversion, just as observed in the laboratory."

Apparently the animals can grab an edge with their claws — sometimes using only one leg, in the case of roaches — and retain 75 percent of their running energy as they swing like pendulums beneath it. They experience about three to five times the force of gravity with the flip, similar to what humans feel at the bottom of a bungee jump, said researcher Jean-Michel Mongeau at the University of California at Berkeley.

These findings not only explain why tiny animal pests we chase at times seem to disappear, but helped develop a robot capable of the maneuver. The researchers modified their six-legged cockroach-inspired DASH — Dynamic Autonomous Sprawled Hexapod — by attaching Velcro hooks to its back legs. After they glued Velcro loops near and underneath a ledge, they found DASH could duplicate the acrobatic move.

"The flip demonstrates a principle of how we might make small robots more agile and maneuverable," Full said. "Ultimately, if we want search-and-rescue robots to assist first responders in the rubble left after an earthquake, tornado or explosion, or have greater capability to more rapidly detect chemical, biological or nuclear hazards, we must build far more agile robots with animal-like maneuverability."

After cockroaches and geckos flip over ledges, they can then continue to run upside-down under surfaces. "The robot might be able to do so in the future" as well, Full said.

The scientists detailed their findings online June 6 in the journal PLoS ONE.


Sep 14, 2014
It's more so of testing the limits of our current technology, not so much for practical use, however, I believe it's more so an experiment. None the less very interesting! Thanks for the share

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---------- Post added 09-05-2015 at 08:06 PM ----------

Therefore by testing the limits, they can expand and use this knowledge on more practical gadgets

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The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
So like... some day in the future I might have clutz robots falling on my head instead. Delightful. Now just program them to poop-pee from on high and bask in the remarkable strides in science us humans have made.


Old Timer
Mar 7, 2005
I dunno...I am kind of tired of scientists. So much money is being spent on robotics projects that go nowhere, all this emphasis on the future, what about spending those millions helping people in the now! Still I learnt a lot of new stuff reading this article, but I still question if doing research on stuff like this is science or just the machinations of incredibly boring people.
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Sep 14, 2014
I dunno...I am kind of tired of scientists. So much money is being spent on robotics projects that go nowhere, all this emphasis on the future, what about spending those millions helping people in the now! Still I learnt a lot of new stuff reading this article, but I still question if doing research on stuff like this is science or just the machinations of incredibly boring people.
We can't progress as a society by focusing on the now.

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Old Timer
Mar 7, 2005
Have you read 'Simulacra and Simulation' by Baudrillard? This emphasis on the future, for the sake of it, is purely a control mechanism. Come on you don't honestly believe we can ONLY focus on the future to function as a society. That is a sickness in thinking. Part of the problem is we focus too much on the future. Anyway I am tired of coming up against resistance every time I speak common sense on here. I will keep my thoughts to myself in future.