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Dysdera crocata


Old Timer
Nov 18, 2005
It was monday afternoon I was flipping stones and looking for some more Jumping Spiders for my collection, as I turned one stone there were two "pocket" webs, I poked at the first and bam out comes a beautiful Jumper, with this spier still in hand (not trying to run much or anything) I proceded to poke at the second web pocket and BAM i feel the pinch, pull my hand back, and to my surprise I find a Dysdera crocata (Sow Bug Killer) stuck to the end of it :eek: , it almost immediately released and vcanished into the brush, withing a few minutes there is no irritation or even reminder of being tagged (but the sheer shock did cause me to drop the beautiful Jumper ) so I guess in conclusion either I got no venom or it has no to little effect on us...