Admin Announcement Warning Forum Rules: Read Before Posting - Updated 1/5/2023

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He Who Rules
Staff member
Jul 16, 2002
This forum is here for you to warn people of sellers/buyers/businesses that you attempted to deal with and experienced something that caused the transaction to not occur (please note that once money is sent or an item is sent, the transaction has been initiated and technically occurred and then needs to be posted in the reviews section, once you feel nothing else is to be said or done further).

The Rules


  • Please remember, this is NOT a discussion forum. All posts must be on topic. Any posts not relating to the warning will be removed. If you feel you must say something to a poster unrelated to the warning, feel free to start a conversation with them.
  • Personal Attacks will NOT be allowed and Arachnoboards reserves the right to remove any post deemed inappropriate.
  • Do NOT start a new thread for a seller/buyer/business previously mentioned. Post to the already existing thread. Only one thread per entity (separate threads for each individual user).
  • Duplicate threads may be merged.
  • All information MUST be from your own personal first hand experience. Please make sure that you include as many details as possible.
  • General comments/hearsay will be deleted (with or without notification).

  • Warnings are for users to post what transpired with a potential seller/buyer/business that caused the transaction to NOT take place. If you consider your transaction to be complete (you expect nothing further to transpire), then you will need to leave a review for the seller/buyer/business.
  • Initial warning post MUST contain the reason(s), in detail, why you chose NOT to do business with the seller/buyer.
  • You are allowed a maximum of ONE post regarding the specific experience.
  • If a user feels they have information that is relevant to a warning, that they feel should be made public, they should contact a moderator or administrator and we will advise them accordingly.
  • Thread title should have the Name, Email address and/or Website of the seller/buyer/business in it.

This forum is NOT for:
  • Airing grievances with a seller/buyer/business. If you have entered into a transaction with a buyer/seller/business and things went south, then you must post in the reviews section. Your review can then be linked to in the warning thread if relevant.
  • Getting the attention of a seller/buyer/business.

Personal Attacks will NOT be allowed and Arachnoboards reserves the right to remove any post deemed inappropriate. All transactions, unless previously cleared by Arachnoboards administration, must be invertebrate-related!

Hoping you get a lot of use out of this forum in choosing an online seller/buyer/business.

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Arachnoboards Team
Staff member
Jan 11, 2004
Guess it is time to remind everyone that these rules still apply!
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