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Latrodectus bishopi

Brian S

Old Timer
May 29, 2004

So far, so good

In October of 2006 I recieved 12 instar 2 and 3 spiderlings of this species from another arachnid breeder. I placed each spiderling in individual 20 dram vials that Thorton Plastics offer.

The spiderlings grew very very fast. Often molting out every week. I tried to slow the males down however would molt after only 1 feeding of either a pinhead cricket or a Lobster Roach nymph.
I was soon faced with a dilema of having 9 mature males with 3 females not yet mature. Finally in early December I had 1 female mature for me. After feeding her 1 medium cricket, I introduced the only mature male I had left(the others had perished of old age I assume). The date was December 15, 2006.
The male immediately tied the female up in silk and they proceeded to mate. Note that the female is still in the small vial.

After a week or two I moved the female into a larger plastic box like you find at the hobby stores.
On January 4, 2007 I discovered an egg sac. While at the time of this writing it hasnt hatched out yet I am optimistic. I will keep this updated. As fast as everything has happened I am sure it wont take long for me to update this.