Millipede Enclosure Help


Active Member
Nov 23, 2020
Hello everyone,

I used to have millipedes a while back, but they never bred and all died. I felt that my husbandry was satisfactory, except I probably needed more leaves. However, I have noticed that the enclosure I used for them (and the smaller variants I used for isopods) seems to accumulate water on the lids and not ventilate well. This had the same effect on many of my isopod cultures :(

I was considering getting back into millipedes since I have tons of flake soil from beetle larvae substrate changes that they could eat. I did a test where I took an enclosure, used a hot knife to cut out a section, and hot-glued a thick plastic mesh over the opening, and I'm seeing if this new strategy would help the ventilation issues. I was hoping that some members could share what their enclosures look like, including ventilation and other parts to help me refine my setup.

Thanks everyone!


Old Timer
Mar 15, 2008
I keep mine in an open mesh top and cover it with plastic when it starts to dry. Slightly drier seems better than wet. Constant evaporation and condensation rather than standing water. Closer to a real water cycle, I reckon. Keep trapping and releasing the liquid. Least, that's what I've always done.