Aphonopelma Hentzi sling not burrowing/enclosure ideas


Apr 28, 2024
Hi! So I’m a freshly hatched tarantula owner, and about almost two weeks ago I got an Aphonopelma Hentzi sling and enclosure kit.

Long story short, I don’t think the enclosure is doing it for my sling. I always see him wandering around on the substrate and sometimes on one of the sides of the enclosure. No burrows made as far as I’m aware.

First two pics are of what the enclosure looks like. The original kit came with pure coco fiber but I replaced it with reptisoil to see if that was the issue since T’s can be picky with substrates.

I’ve messed with the enclosure quite a lot since getting him so at first I and many others thought the lack of burrowing was because he wasn’t settled, which still could be very true;but upon closer inspection, it seems like the enclosure needs more depth for more substrate.

Anyway, I saw this enclosure (3rd pic) and it looks like it could work? I’m not 100% sure. What do you guys think? I also see the ones on Tarantula Cribs but they seem crazy expensive.

((P.S. I’m sorry if this post is all over the place, I have troubles putting my thoughts into words sometimes. Feel free to ask any questions 🙂))

EDIT: Totally forgot to add the size. My apologies. The website says about 1/4-1/2” and I’d say that 1/4” is pretty accurate. Here’s some videos of him to get a better idea.


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Aug 3, 2023
I would give it more time to settle especially since its been less than 2 weeks. Slings don't always do the things we think they should do. Mine burrows a little bit but it didn't do it right away.


Jan 1, 2023
Once it gets settled it will dig to the bottom of any enclosure you give it.

I missed the most important parameter...how big is the T? Depending on the size of the T I'd recommend AGAINST that third picture, unless you have experience with tarantulas the size of a dime not eating or surfacing for months on end. Oh, and some clay based substrate so it doesn't collapse when the T moves the bottom inch of substrate to the top of the enclosure. Which is unlikely (you'd have to make it)

Maybe it's just appearances but the substrate looks too damp in those pictures.

Here is mine, I've had it over a year and it's barely 1". This box I got off Amazon. It's the same dimensions just shorter.

Note the magnet on the water dish is the only reason it wasn't moved 🤣
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Apr 28, 2024
Once it gets settled it will dig to the bottom of any enclosure you give it.

I missed the most important parameter...how big is the T? Depending on the size of the T I'd recommend AGAINST that third picture, unless you have experience with tarantulas the size of a dime not eating or surfacing for months on end. Oh, and some clay based substrate so it doesn't collapse when the T moves the bottom inch of substrate to the top of the enclosure. Which is unlikely (you'd have to make it)

Maybe it's just appearances but the substrate looks too damp in those pictures.

Here is mine, I've had it over a year and it's barely 1". This box I got off Amazon. It's the same dimensions just shorter.

Note the magnet on the water dish is the only reason it wasn't moved 🤣
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Hey! Thanks for the reply :)
I’m so sorry! Totally forget to mention the size. So, the website says about 1/4” ? I’d say that’s fairly accurate. Haven’t really measured him myself as I’ve already bothered him enough, here are some videos of him to get a better idea. These were taken Wednesday night feat. Him sticking a leggy out through a hole 😂🤣

and as for the substrate yes you’re right It does look too damp I will lessen my misting. How much misting would you personally recommend? I just don’t want my little guy to dry out 😰

here’s a link with the videos, let me know if you have any issueshttps://imgur.com/a/3aKc3HG

Put little fella in a condiment cup or 16oz deli
Oh! :0 what makes you say that? Just for more room to burrow?

Once it gets settled it will dig to the bottom of any enclosure you give it.

I missed the most important parameter...how big is the T? Depending on the size of the T I'd recommend AGAINST that third picture, unless you have experience with tarantulas the size of a dime not eating or surfacing for months on end. Oh, and some clay based substrate so it doesn't collapse when the T moves the bottom inch of substrate to the top of the enclosure. Which is unlikely (you'd have to make it)

Maybe it's just appearances but the substrate looks too damp in those pictures.

Here is mine, I've had it over a year and it's barely 1". This box I got off Amazon. It's the same dimensions just shorter.

Note the magnet on the water dish is the only reason it wasn't moved 🤣
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My apologies, the link didn’t work here:
I would give it more time to settle especially since its been less than 2 weeks. Slings don't always do the things we think they should do. Mine burrows a little bit but it didn't do it right away.
Okay! Is there anything I should change up or add to either the enclosure or care to help?

someone said to add some clay to hold the burrow? I do need to replace substrate since there are uneaten pieces of mealworm buried about, don’t want them to mold.


Jan 1, 2023
Viper is right, this should go into a condiment cup, you'll end up losing it in there. Not a bad species to lose but it will also hinder growth

It's super cute!!!


Oct 13, 2011
They don’t all burrow but if it decides too that’s a lot of dirt plenty deep. This is how I house tiny ones.
What are your containers dimensions,?


Apr 28, 2024
Viper is right, this should go into a condiment cup, you'll end up losing it in there. Not a bad species to lose but it will also hinder growth

It's super cute!!!
Hey! And thank you :) yours is such a cutie as well!!

what exactly do you mean by lose?


Active Member
May 10, 2022
what exactly do you mean by lose?
They mean that it is so small if it burrows anywhere other than the sides it will be very difficult to keep track of (see when it eats, molts, has any issues etc). The condiment cup allows you to keep better track of it. while it is in the supersmol delicate stage by having less substrate for it to hide in.