Are we in premolt?


Apr 26, 2015
upgrade? i didnt want to handle her that much since she looks like shes going to pop haha, but i gently cupped her and placed her on a napkin and added sub and burried the hide then cupped her and she crawled inside



Apr 26, 2015
what else do you use for a smaller hide than this? i thought about one of those little paper wax cups you have in the bathroom cut in half but shes 2" so she barely fits in that. on the plus side.. she might be around 3" after she molts soon so this hide should be good haha.

cold blood

Staff member
Jan 19, 2014
If it were me, I'd do it right away. This species can be pre-molt for long periods of time, even when they look like they're gonna pop. IME pre-molt t's are exceptionally easy to deal with as well, after that thing's gonna be chasing everything looking for a meal.

Let it crawl into a deli cup and it should not be a stressful event in the least, then and add a bunch of sub and a piece of wood for a hide buried halfway and you're done....shouldn't take long at all.

---------- Post added 05-19-2015 at 07:24 PM ----------

Any piece of wood will work, it doesn't have to be concave. You could lay a flat piece of wood and start a burrow area beneath it and it would work well, I do this often.

With that hide, I'd bury it so that the t can barely squeeze into it, then let the t landscape as it sees fit.

Don't use paper cups or TP rolls or anything like that...wood's not a scarce product on this planet...I don't get it when I see people using cups or paper products or clear plastics for a hide when wood is one of the most easily available things on earth provided you don't live in the desert.


Apr 26, 2015
I thought regular pieces of wood would mold. But I guess for this species that wouldn't matter much since the sub is dry. I didn't realize a flat piece works too though, thanks for the tip

cold blood

Staff member
Jan 19, 2014
I thought regular pieces of wood would mold. But I guess for this species that wouldn't matter much since the sub is dry. I didn't realize a flat piece works too though, thanks for the tip
I will say there are types of wood that need to be avoided, such as cedar.

I just bake them for a bit....I like the natural look, too. I have never noticed any propensity for mold. The only time I had mold was in a regalis juvie enclosure that got a little too moist, which made the bottom of the bark damp for several weeks.

These are a couple examples (albeit on a small scale) of the use of a flat piece of wood. They look a little Spartan, but its just because they've covered most or all of the plants and moss with excavated substrate. But I take the piece of wood, lay it flat and cover both ends with substrate. In the middle I press a finger into the sub to create access beneath the wood and the t's inevitably take it from there and continue to bring up sub and often cover the wood completely. I have one that now looks just like a hole in a dirt enclosure.



Apr 26, 2015
she went inside and blocked off the entrance to the hide now so she must like it more. now she can molt in peace


Oct 9, 2014
I also heard corck bark doesn't mold easily, or it does very rarely..

And CB.... I like your pictures :biggrin:

Tim Benzedrine

Prankster Possum
Old Timer
Apr 4, 2004
Yeah, this should be happening any time now for my G. pulchripes too.For some reason I worry much less with the small ones. I should probably do the opposite.

Slowest grower of the bunch. It is 1.50 inch. I look forward to it jumping up t0 1.51

Pay no attention to the detractors of you photos, CB, they are just jealous because your pictures are a valuable asset to the boards. After all, who else could make the rest of us look like award-winning National Geographic photographers in comparison? ;) :D

Hey, he DID say "feel free". That's all the invitation I need.



Apr 26, 2015
haha you might get 2"+ out of him! keep the faith! looks just like mine did. he still hasnt molted yet though, closed up his hide and has been in there for a week. mines about 2" so im hoping to get his adult colors on this one!

im still worried about my avicularia metallica to be honest. i bought her from kenthebugguy 1 month ago and she still hasnt eaten. she was wild caught, 6"+, she has layed out minimal webbing, and i saw her on the ground for the first time tucked in the corner this morning. ive heard avics on the ground isnt a good sign but i cant imagine whats wrong.. dry sub, big water dish i keep full and clean, big arboreal set up enclosure.. hope she isnt sick somehow, really pretty tarantula with a great disposition.

cold blood

Staff member
Jan 19, 2014
haha you might get 2"+ out of him! keep the faith! looks just like mine did. he still hasnt molted yet though, closed up his hide and has been in there for a week. mines about 2" so im hoping to get his adult colors on this one!

im still worried about my avicularia metallica to be honest. i bought her from kenthebugguy 1 month ago and she still hasnt eaten. she was wild caught, 6"+, she has layed out minimal webbing, and i saw her on the ground for the first time tucked in the corner this morning. ive heard avics on the ground isnt a good sign but i cant imagine whats wrong.. dry sub, big water dish i keep full and clean, big arboreal set up enclosure.. hope she isnt sick somehow, really pretty tarantula with a great disposition.
I agree pyro, I bet you'll see a 2"er after molting....once they get to about that size they really start putting on good growth with each molt.

As for the metallica, throw up a pic of the enclosure...a lot of times the ventilation is the problem, be it too much or not enough. Who knows, maybe there's something else that can be ascertained through a photo. On the ground is indeed, a poor sign.


Apr 26, 2015
That's her whole enclosure. There's three 2" holes, two on each side and one on the top. People from this forum helped me set it up for her so it should be good. i also added a new pic of her on my hand to show her body, few days old.
Guys at a local exotic pet store said if it's full grown and wild caught it could just be old or have parasites? They also said the substrate should be a little damp but you guys said that's overkill on humidity.


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Apr 26, 2015
oh and by the way, the grammostola pulchripes molted! im thinking last night cause his fangs are still light pink. It is a male which i was sort of sad to find out.. he went from 2" to close to 3" and got a lot of his adult coloring with a dark body, light pink hairs, and pretty mustard yellow stripes. couldnt measure him too well cause i didnt want to mess with him being a softy right now. whats a 3" male G pulchripes go for? im thinking about selling him and getting another one in hunt for a female.
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cold blood

Staff member
Jan 19, 2014
A 3" male would go for like 30 bucks. Why not just enjoy the next year and a half or so until he matures, then send him off to breed...That's what I did, and he's off "making friends" as we speak. Until his maturing molt, he's gonna look and act the same as a female. I liked my guy!


Apr 26, 2015
i meant about the avic enclosure, you asked for a pic. does that look like its set up well? shes so lethargic and wont eat.. i feel bad.
good point about the male, ill keep him, hes a nice guy and really good lookin.