Enclosure for Tegenaria Domestica


Apr 27, 2024
Hi there! I'm Beeba, I'm new here and to being a spider-mum.
There is a female common house spider (tegenaria domestica) who has made her home in my dad's bathroom, on a huge sheet web behind his toilet. She likes to sit in the entrance to her funnel in the corner most of the time.
Despite being an arachnophobe, I've inexplicably grown attached to her; I even named her - Cleome (Cleo for short), after the spider flower 🥰 she's very unusual, she has a very pale abdomen instead of the normal brown patterning typical of her species. I love how unique she is!
Unfortunately, because we've been avoiding disturbing her and her web, it's getting quite dusty back there and my dad wants to clean. She also seems to have been a naughty girl and had a boyfriend over, as I saw another spider that was potentially her offspring (looked just like her, only smaller). I'm cool with Cleome, but I'm not thrilled about the thought of lots of mini-Cleos running around, lol. Moving her to another part of the flat isn't an option, as the same issues will arise, and I don't want to put her out as she likely won't survive. So I came to the decision - I'm going to keep her.
This is my first spider pet. How big a terrarium should I provide her? I don't want to give her something too small that she would be uncomfortable in (especially after the luxury of her giant web in the bathroom, lol), but I also don't have much space in my bedroom so I can't get anything too big either.
I've attached a pic of Cleo in her funnel for you all to admire 😊

