GBB behavior


Apr 18, 2022
Ok just curious about some behavior from my GBB. So
I’ve got a GBB that’s about 3 1/2 dls and is to the best of my knowledge male. It’s been a while since it molted last. Maybe 5/6 months. It went on a fast for about 6 weeks and was expecting a molt but the past 2 weeks has taken crickets. It has its webbing plus a have a clam shell anchored vertically in the substrate so it can get behind there and hideout when it wants. It likes it back there. Never once threat posed or kicked hairs at me. I noticed it rubbing at its abdomen like it was kicking hairs in its hide earlier. He wasn’t provoked or scared. I have him where I can watch from a distance and noticed it then. My question is do they do that when laying down a molt mat. He’s been in this critter keeper and rehoused for about 4/5 weeks now. There’s no mold or mites that would be annoying him and causing to kick hairs. Just wondering if this is a premolt sign.


Jan 1, 2023
I also watched one of my females lay down hairs as she was building her egg sac


Active Member
May 10, 2022
Ok just curious about some behavior from my GBB. So
I’ve got a GBB that’s about 3 1/2 dls and is to the best of my knowledge male. It’s been a while since it molted last. Maybe 5/6 months. It went on a fast for about 6 weeks and was expecting a molt but the past 2 weeks has taken crickets. It has its webbing plus a have a clam shell anchored vertically in the substrate so it can get behind there and hideout when it wants. It likes it back there. Never once threat posed or kicked hairs at me. I noticed it rubbing at its abdomen like it was kicking hairs in its hide earlier. He wasn’t provoked or scared. I have him where I can watch from a distance and noticed it then. My question is do they do that when laying down a molt mat. He’s been in this critter keeper and rehoused for about 4/5 weeks now. There’s no mold or mites that would be annoying him and causing to kick hairs. Just wondering if this is a premolt sign.
could be premolt and its laying hairs on its molt mat to ward off predators. Could also be that it has declared that area you speak of as its permanent den and it is laying them down as a protective barrier.