GBB set-up

Deranged Ladybug

Sep 12, 2022
Hey ya'll, I got a GBB sling last fall and I hadn't had any issues with him until his last molt. I rehomed him a few months before his most resent molt and he had seemed to have settled in, he webbed up everything and was eating regularly. However since he molted he's been hanging around at the top of his enclosure or on the lid and I'm worried he's unhappy with his enclosure. It's been several weeks and he hasn't come down and has only eaten once. Any advice would be appreciated! (PS, white spots in the photos are corn starch, I duck taped the lid of good kritter keeper and used corn starch so it wouldn't be sticky)



Active Member
Jun 3, 2023
What are the white globs all over the webbing and on the underside of the spider? If you spilled corn starch all over the webbing that would probably make the tarantula unhappy. If it's mold that would probably also make the spider unhappy. Either way I would consider a rehouse into a clean enclosure, seems like it has abandoned the webbing anyway.


Spider Wrangler
Arachnosupporter +
Jan 22, 2022
(PS, white spots in the photos are corn starch, I duck taped the lid of good kritter keeper and used corn starch so it wouldn't be sticky)
Why did you duct tape the lid?

As for the spider's behavior, GBB's are likely to spend just as much time vertically as they do horizontally as slings/juveniles. It seems like the bigger they get, the more time they spend on the ground, but young ones do a lot of climbing and hanging in their webs. I do think your enclosure could be half as big as it is and your T would be more comfortable. It's abdomen is a good size, though, so I wouldn't worry too much about it not eating.