Is vegetable oil poisonous to spiders?

Cursed Lemon

Old Timer
Mar 16, 2008
So earlier I noticed that a big wolf spider was caught in one of my glue traps meant for recluses. I thought she was a little too big and beautiful to be stuck there, so I endeavored to get her out with some vegetable oil, which I've used to dislodge mice and skinks and whatever happens to wander haphazardly into them.

I poured vegetable oil underneath the spider's body. She raised up at first to avoid the flowing liquid, and started to tug her legs free, but I noticed that at one point she dipped down and was mixing her palps/jaws into it, which made me think she was ingesting it like it was water. After that, she slowly started behaving very erratic and would not be mushed into a cup so I could transfer her to a little tupperware dish with some water, until eventually I believe she died.

I didn't really expect that. Is it really harmful to them?

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
I guess you found out when it cleaned itself. You aren't just talking oil but partially dissolved raw latex. I don't think anything can digest that crap.

Cursed Lemon

Old Timer
Mar 16, 2008
Interesting, thanks guys.

Any ideas on how to get a pretty spider like her out of the glue trap in the future, if it so behooves me? The recluses stay put, as I don't want them walking around all night, but she was quite the specimen.

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
I think you had the right idea but... Step 1. Set aside several hours to doing nothing but spider freeing. 2. A very light vegetable oil would be the most effective. Resign yourself to using several quarts. Find some way of immobilizing the spider by the body. Then flow the oil over the glue stir cautiously without bumping the spider and repeat. Repeat oh, 50 to 200 times, no exaggeration. Once most of the glue has been dissolved make a solution of dishwashing liquid, a little water, and the oil. The soap emulsifies the oil. Repeat another 100 or so times until every last bit of glue has been dissolved. Then make a solution of 1 part dishwashing liquid to 30 or 40 parts water and repeat again until all oil is dissolved. Last, make a 100 to 1 solution of water to dishwashing liquid to remove all traces of the oiled soap. And finally, rinse. The whole thing depends upon holding the spider absolutely still and dissolving the glue without agitating or scrubbing and that is going to take a LONG time.


Old Timer
Jul 21, 2002
If the oil was in contact with the spider's lower body, you probably covered up its book lungs with a residue it couldn't wipe off adequately enough to respirate..