Molting Process??


Nov 25, 2014
Well, both "boring" and "plain" are in the eye of the beholder.
Very few truer words have been spoken. Not that I would describe any of my tarantulas as "exciting", but "boring" is one of the last adjectives I'd use. Even if they're sitting inside their hide doing absolutely nothing, I still enjoy just checking on them to see what "spider things" they're doing. I love when I notice that they've built up their hides or find them in a new spot than when I saw them last, and I find it even more fascinating when they're actually DOING spider things when I'm watching.


Dec 12, 2014
Very few truer words have been spoken. Not that I would describe any of my tarantulas as "exciting", but "boring" is one of the last adjectives I'd use. Even if they're sitting inside their hide doing absolutely nothing, I still enjoy just checking on them to see what "spider things" they're doing. I love when I notice that they've built up their hides or find them in a new spot than when I saw them last, and I find it even more fascinating when they're actually DOING spider things when I'm watching.
Yes exactly! All of my spiders are wonderfully fascinating, roseas included. My A. genic and OBT are faster and scamper around like crazy people, but that does't mean that a calm, still T is any less interesting to watch. Besides, I'm partial to the ones I can handle :) And for whatever reason, my other rosie has the strongest feeding response of any of my Ts, going against every single thing I have ever read about them, so any sort of generalization is exactly that, just in general, and it's all about the individual T.