[Warning] Richmond, Virginia - My pet shop was broken into - 2 King Baboon Tarantulas Were Stolen


Nov 16, 2011
February 3rd, Our door was kicked in last night. 3 Teens broke into our bug store and stole two large king baboons. They made the fatal mistake of not realizing that I have a very nice camera system before it was too late.

Im giving these kids the rest of the day to think about it before I take direct action. They need to return my bugs and bring 750.00 to fix the back door and frame.

If you know of anyone with adult female king baboons for sale on AB that are not legitimate and local to me, odds are likely that they are my stolen Tarantulas.

They were stolen last night - One about 7" and the other about 6.5"

If you see any suspicious transactions people don't contact them just send me the necessary information.


- Aaron & Monica
Beasts & Bugs