sad story, sick people.


Old Timer
Dec 22, 2006
I'm sure electro shock therapy could "help" these folks in dealing with there problems. They just need help I'm sure.


Old Timer
Dec 15, 2003
I am not surprised the hamsters were killed by the rats, considering rats will kill each other if thrown into the same cage without properly introducing them. Although I am no fan of Hamsters, hurting an innocent puppy is pretty horrible, just for that they should probably get a 25 year sentence.


Old Timer
Jan 20, 2006
what surprises me more than this is that this kindof thing happens to animals everyday and is condoned in slaughter house yet few complain like you are now. But I understand cow's, pigs, chickens, chinchillas, rats, turkeys, foxs, sheep, goat, rabbits, horses don't make good pets anyway!!! what happened at this place is very unfortunate.


Old Timer
Dec 15, 2003
what surprises me more than this is that this kindof thing happens to animals everyday and is condoned in slaughter house yet few complain like you are now. But I understand cow's, pigs, chickens, chinchillas, rats, turkeys, foxs, sheep, goat, rabbits, horses don't make good pets anyway!!! what happened at this place is very unfortunate.
yea, but people eat the chickens, cows, pigs, turkeys, goats, and sheep, I mean yes it is bad that they are killed but it is because its peoples jobs to do that, what happened here was two or one stupid teenager went inside and hurt a bunch of innocent animals, Its one thing if your doing something mildly productive, but hurting and killing the innocent for nothing more then your own entertainment is very wrong.


Old Timer
Jan 20, 2006
yea, but people eat the chickens, cows, pigs, turkeys, goats, and sheep, I mean yes it is bad that they are killed but it is because its peoples jobs to do that, what happened here was two or one stupid teenager went inside and hurt a bunch of innocent animals, Its one thing if your doing something mildly productive, but hurting and killing the innocent for nothing more then your own entertainment is very wrong.
:? :? Man killing for his own gluten is no different. just a few links that exhibits human gluten
Innocent last I checked cows don't kill or commit crimes. Define innocents for me please.

To the OP sorry to have slightly high jacked your thread This kinda thing is very sad no dout, I think it is just important for us to see other animals as important not just the one's we keep or the one's that make there way to pet shops. I have not meant to offend anyone so if I did sorry.


Old Timer
Jun 10, 2006
I see all animals as equal to each other in importance, which is less important than human beings. Considering just how much better meat taste than plants, and the fact that its so much easier to digest, and the fact that we are predators that evolved from predators that evolved from predators that.....lets just say that no matter what you will never see a tear be shed by me for a chicken or cow. We came from the same primordial goo they did, not my fault we beat them up the evolutionary ladder, so I am happy just enjoying my spot up top. Everything has it's place in nature, and some things are simply food, end of the story. Go ahead and swear off meat, thats your deal, but it's not my issue, no one forces others to eat meat, so it irritates me to no end when people try to force vegan legislation through scare tactics, terrorism, and propaganda. Not only has about 90% of all current medical techniques and knowledge been gained through the use of animals, a vast majority of modern technology was made possible through animals; everything from shirts to camera film. Sorry about my rant and I am not offended by anyone, just throwing out my 2 cents.:rolleyes:

To the point of the post though, what I do see as wrong and disgusting is when someone intentionally harms or kills an animal for no reason what so ever than to hurt. If you think its funny kicking a dog into it being handicapped or feeding animals to eachother for the sheer enjoyment perhaps you should have the same done to you, but the electric chair is just as good an option as far as I am concerned. There was a guy who wanted to buy a centipede from me, and just before I handed it over he said "this will really give my rat something interesting to fight, better than lizards and frogs", needless to say he didnt get his pede.


Old Timer
Jul 8, 2007
The article said that rats mauled and ate the hamsters. Not rabbits; I think the OP mistakingly posted that. Rats are omnivores and are quite territorial, and are notorious for attacking, killing, and consuming other rodents. You seldom see mice in an area with a dense rat population - there's a reason for that.

As for the issue of food animals... as a vegan of many years myself, I'd just like to say that part of what gives us such a bad name is those of us who feel the need to plug our personal beliefs whenever possible. People get tired of hearing it. There are very few people who DON'T know about factory farming any more; if they know and choose to eat meat, that is their choice and should be respected. There will never be world wide veganism or vegetarianism, so in the mean time, we should be focusing our efforts on improving animal welfare so that there is at least less suffering involved. That is a realistic goal; converting the world isn't. Just my 2 cents...

edit: I just realized that the first sentence of the second bit there there came off as overly aggressive towards TTstinger... sorry about that. Shouldn't post when tired and cranky.
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Old Timer
Jan 20, 2006
The article said that rats mauled and ate the hamsters. Not rabbits; I think the OP mistakingly posted that. Rats are omnivores and are quite territorial, and are notorious for attacking, killing, and consuming other rodents. You seldom see mice in an area with a dense rat population - there's a reason for that.

As for the issue of food animals... as a vegan of many years myself, I'd just like to say that part of what gives us such a bad name is those of us who feel the need to plug our personal beliefs whenever possible. People get tired of hearing it. There are very few people who DON'T know about factory farming any more; if they know and choose to eat meat, that is their choice and should be respected. There will never be world wide veganism or vegetarianism, so in the mean time, we should be focusing our efforts on improving animal welfare so that there is at least less suffering involved. That is a realistic goal; converting the world isn't. Just my 2 cents...
I agree 100% I just find it so funny and at the same contradicting that everyone here says "Give them the acid bath" "kill them" "poor animals, those poor animals" yet goes home eats a burger and thinks nothing of it just funny thats all.

Humans pick and choose, give and take. Animals are picked and chosen, then suffer and die.

And I never said anything about not eating meat All I am trying to say is if your going to feel for 1 suffering animal feel for them all.
and the fact that its so much easier to digest, .
I am done posting to this thread
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Old Timer
Sep 23, 2005
i was surprsied too when they said rabbits ate rodents:?never heard that one before. But I can see rats eating hamsters.


Jul 6, 2007
prolly just bitten them to death out of sheer stress

still not a pretty sight.

but there are some real twisted fu$kers around alright. I just heard on the news some morons set a sheep on fire.....

obviously wool doesn't burn (firebrigade blankets are made of it), but they solved that little setback by first dousing the poor critter with gasoline and then fired it up



Old Timer
Jan 6, 2007
dousing the poor critter with gasoline and then fired it up

That makes me sick.... literally!!!

I remember that poor little Yorkie that had a similar fate...

Still brings tears to my eyes.


Old Timer
Apr 24, 2007
The article says that the hamsters were fed to rodents... Didn't mention anything about rodents being fed to rabbits.
This is where it gets bad, whoever broke in put all the small rodents in with the rabbits and they rabbits ate them.
If it was indeed rats that ate hamsters I can believe that, but rabbits eating hamsters is just unbelievable.


Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005
awhile back(2yrs ago) i worked in an exotic petshop,there they kept feeder rabbits w/jumbo rats and they always got along only sometimes you would here the rats shrilling at the rabbits here and there but no attacking what so ever,but who knows hmm rabbits killing? remember "night of the lepus"{D


Old Timer
Jul 7, 2007
awhile back(2yrs ago) i worked in an exotic petshop,there they kept feeder rabbits w/jumbo rats and they always got along only sometimes you would here the rats shrilling at the rabbits here and there but no attacking what so ever,but who knows hmm rabbits killing? remember "night of the lepus"{D
lmao..i was thinking more ''monte python'', with the killer rabbits.{D


Old Timer
Jul 14, 2006
Now nothing like this ever happens in my little peaceful town untill now. We have a local pet store called King Neptunes in Shorewood, IL. It was broken into over night and they took all the money. This is where it gets bad, whoever broke in put all the small rodents in with the rabbits and they rabbits ate them. The place also has 2 big birds(i dont know birds but there the colorful talking kind) and they killed the birds. The dogs were loose and hideing in the corner and limping. Who would do something like this, it makes me so mad.

edit: found link to story:,4_1_JO12_PETSHOP_S1.article
I would love to meet the persons who did that;) :evil: