Theraphosa stirmi Molt at 8 Inches


Staff member
May 7, 2004
My Theraphosa stirmi female molted today and I couldn't resist posting a picture of it on a fabric cutting board. I figure there are plenty here that can appreciate just how big these things can grow. Notice the regenerated leg 4 on the right side. After this molt it is now fully regenerated.

This post will also serve as a warning of sorts for those looking to buy giant Theraphosa species. The T. stirmi here was sold to me several years ago as a "giant 10.5 inch" female and included proof of such by a photograph of the spider on a tile that measured 12 inches. Being skeptical of any claims of someone having any tarantula exceeding 7 inches, even with "proof" of one next to a ruler, I went ahead and paid good money for it having a good feeling this would be far less than 10.5 inches. Although there was no malicious intent on the seller's part, I received a spider that was more like 7 inches in legspan which is typical. However, this spider's body mass is incredible. The molt pictures really don't do it justice. Not a disappointing purchase at all as it is still one of the largest spiders I have ever seen today as it was several years ago when I received it.

In my opinion, a picture of the shed excuvia on top of a ruler is the only sure way to know the legspan of a spider you are buying. If I was to sell this female (which I have no plans to), I would sell this spider as 8 inches even though it maybe bigger now after the molt and the ruler on the cutting board here is more like 8.25 inches. It is so easy to get excited on how big some of these tarantula species get and overestimate their size. Even when you have something for reference and a ruler.

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