Thinking about what next to get


Mar 13, 2014
Hello I have a G roses and now I am thinking about getting some more what ones should I go for and what ones I should not get right now, like say the Lampropelma violaceope I hear and seen how fast they are but I am wondering when can I get that one like when would I be ready I would love to get one but they are fast as hell but is there any others that I should not get just yet?

cold blood

Staff member
Jan 19, 2014
I would say get a GBB first. Its speed and skittishness will be a good stepping stone to prepare for faster, more high strung t's IMO. I could see a lasi or nhandu being a good choice as well. I personally, wouldn't jump right to a Lampropelma from roseas.


Mar 26, 2013
You're not ready for a fast, agile OW arboreal. Night and day between them and roseas. Take your time and work you way thru some tropical NW terrestrials first.


Mar 13, 2014
I would say get a GBB first. Its speed and skittishness will be a good stepping stone to prepare for faster, more high strung t's IMO. I could see a lasi or nhandu being a good choice as well. I personally, wouldn't jump right to a Lampropelma from roseas.
Don't worry I was not planing on getting that blue devil yet lol I would love to get a Grammostola aureostriata and Brachypelma smithi and GBB and I really love to have a few jumping spiders but they are hard to find I think they are so damn cute looking things I use to pick the up when I was kid and watch them.

P.s what is a lasi?


Sep 18, 2012
P.s what is a lasi?
Lasiodora parahybana (or salmon pink birdeater), a handsome and very large tarantula with a famous appetite and a famous growth rate. If you'd like something relatively manageable but with a markedly different attitude from G. rosea, it's not a bad choice. They're easy to keep, provided you have the space for an adult. The hobby's full of them, so they're dead cheap too.

However, bear in mind that in the best interests of the keeper and the spider, most tarantulas should not be handled as a rule of thumb, and LP is no exception. My juvenile just molted into something quite gentle, but I wouldn't dare.


Dec 21, 2013
Don't worry I was not planing on getting that blue devil yet lol I would love to get a Grammostola aureostriata and Brachypelma smithi and GBB and I really love to have a few jumping spiders but they are hard to find I think they are so damn cute looking things I use to pick the up when I was kid and watch them.

P.s what is a lasi?
Lasiodora. It's genus of a tarantula, NW Terrestrial.

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Hopeful T Owner

Feb 28, 2014
Don't worry I was not planing on getting that blue devil yet lol I would love to get a Grammostola aureostriata and Brachypelma smithi and GBB and I really love to have a few jumping spiders but they are hard to find I think they are so damn cute looking things I use to pick the up when I was kid and watch them.
I think you have answered your own question there lol :D

Julia x

Ghost Dragon

Jan 8, 2014
A Lasiodora parahybana would be a good choice, as long as your ready for it to get HUGE rather quickly: My big girl just molted a couple of weeks ago, and her molt is 8 inches across. I'm hoping she's one of the rare ones that will get to ten inches.

GBB & B. smithi are great choices too. I'd personally recommend a G. pulchra. Mine is very active, loves to sit out & bask under a lamp & is a voracious eater. She'll grow into a large, solid black T.

Good luck, let us know what you get. :)


Mar 13, 2014
Yeah I will let you guys know I have a few on my mind right now and a corn snake too lmao but I am wounding how easy is it to get a CB Poecilotheria not saying I will jump right to it but I am wanting a few of them someday maybe in a year or 2 xD

P.s Fed it today and 1st time I seen it eat last time I didn't see it that was 4/5? days ago I forgot, but I have seen it drinking and cleaning it self and this morning when I woke up and walk in to the room it like come out of its hide kinda like it was saying good morning to me lol and then it gone back in. but her but is kinda is looking dark on the top not sure if it is going to moult soon idk but it kinda looks flaky if you can say that..?
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Feb 13, 2014
Yeah I will let you guys know I have a few on my mind right now and a corn snake too lmao but I am wounding how easy is it to get a CB Poecilotheria not saying I will jump right to it but I am wanting a few of them someday maybe in a year or 2 xD
I think pokies are much easier to get on your side of the pond than ours, as some current legislation here is going to make it much harder to import and sell them. I would suggest getting something from the Tapinauchenius genus before getting into pokies as they have all the speed (I would argue they are faster) of a pokie but not as significance of a venom as they are NW; fun fact they do not have the urticating hairs so they have attitude as well. As for your current question a GBB or perhaps a Brachy would be a nice stepping stone, both are gorgeous and just have enough attitude to make it fun. When you get more confident with them then a next step would probably some of the giant NW terrestrials like an LP or the Pamphobeteus genus or you can even go arboreal as avics come in all colors of the rainbow and have a little speed so you can build up to Taps and other fast NW T's.