To people who feed their roaches dog food


Aug 26, 2008
What specific name brand dog food do you use? I've been researching and looking up on most dog food brands and they all end up with a sort of insecticdes such as garlic oil or rosemary. etc, I've also researched plenty on AB and have no clear anwser as to what brand to use. Ive seen to use Cheap brands, and if so give me a few examples. Also if there are other cheap alternatives to dog food, feel free to share your ideas and experiances with feeding. I'm feeding dubia btw. Thanks.
are garlic and rosemary harmful to dubia's and t's (directly and indirectly fed through roach)
If not, I'd like to try it for mite control.


Old Timer
Nov 9, 2008
I've thought about using commercial catfish feed, but my freezer is full of pumpkins (i picked up 200 pumpkins from a nursery day after halloween) so for protein my lobs get a dead mouse or rat every so often, I probably need to adjust my strategy on hissers and dubias as they are not getting much protein, but never saw them go after the dead stuff much come to think of it. What do you all think about protein in dubias, discloids and hissers do they need much?