Pet's you wish weren't sold at pet stores


Old Timer
Sep 15, 2008
true dat.

every one was once a complete novice at some point
Agreed. I got chewed up soo badly when I first started. People could be very defensive and whatnot to newbies. I wonder is it because they just want to keep the animals to themselves? I sometimes wonder if they keep it just for the "cool" factor. So that they're the only who keeps em.

If people push out the newbies away--- the hobby(not just arachnids--- the whole exotic hobby) WILL go to ruin. WHO do you think fuels the hobby? People need to ask themselves that. If lesser people want to buy a said animal--- less breeders appear. Why? Because say like a toad can lay 5thousand eggs. Now if someone wanted a rare specimen like a rococo toad they couldn't get it captive bred--- because only a few people want them. So then whats to happen to the left over toadlets? They either become frozen toadlets(killed) or food. Or just flushed or whatever. People need to think about the consequences about these things.

We have this hobby because more people are joining. Ever noticed that as the years grow more people join? And that also grows in what species of animals we can keep? as well as more breeders pop out? Meaning if there was one breeder and one of you thought he/she wasn't the best breeder--- now you have 2-4 more to choose from!

That's what happens when the hobby grows. Sure there are people that even if they get the info, even if they get the help. They end up making a stupid decision. But that's them. Atleast it weeds out the bad people who actually have BAD INTENTIONS.

My opinion is alittle bit "twosided" because I think sure new keepers should be educated before t hey keep an animal. But most don't get that chance because at the spur of the moment they get that animal. It's not their fault. They're thinking like a regular human being. We're spontaneous, and nobody can't expect it not to be that way. One day we want rice and beans, the other we want hamburgers, and the next we just want a salad. You know? We can't condemn them for being who they are; no more that we can condemn a snake for being toxic.

You know?

But if people really want to make an impact here's what I propose:
1)Instead of treating newbies harshly(like worthless crap--- I experienced that, so did my friends. Sadly they quit ahead because they're more sensitive than Iam); treat them kindly with respect and sometimes hell "spoonfeed" them. I know someone here said that things shouldn't be spoonfed. But would you rather the person get the right information?
2)Don't tell them to google it--- most of them won't be able to tell whats right or wrong from caresheets giving by google.

For example. Take a look at those stupid videos and caresheets given by expertvillage. So would you say they're caresheet is alright bro? You ever seen how horrible the care they give? or how about "ehow"?

You have to realize for the most part these are younger audience. The younger audience is the future of tomorrow. Basically if you dis-encourage them it will come and bite your arse later on in the game.

why? Because--- they maybe young now--- but they are for the most part "people" and these numbers are not small numbers. There's alot of newbies who get put down and I see them walk away. Those newbies will someday be voters and should a law pass. We're all screwed just because someone wanted to be a smug person.

I say this because a friend from another forum which he's a mod has been keeping me updated and has been telling me that eventually there WILL be a law passing down that all exotics will be illegal and the ones who have them beforehand can keep them. But guess what? No vets, no crickets, no such terrariums and such will be sold. Why? Avoiding sales of reptiles of course! not just those though!

So back to the point--- don't tell them to google them, just give them the information and be done with it. It's not that hard. Jeez. And caresheets in forums can occassionally be outdated. It's why I'm more prone to ask. Even at the risk of people getting annoyed at me and thinking I'm asking to be spoon-fed. A lot of the stuff said on google can be quite controversial.

3)Give them pointers, go out and actively help them out. Make them feel welcome.

4)Go out into the actual community(offline) and try to teach people about keeping exotics. Put fliers, go to petstores and give them caresheets written by the forum and such. Etc. etc. Try to inform employees(but don't act like you're trying to be superior and don't do it if they seem tired, angry, or whatever. And don't go over 10mins on it.)

5)When you go by your crickets or whatever and you see people buying reptiles. Be like "oh hey nice animal! You guys ever hear of this forum for such said animals? They give you the best indepth details." and what not. Though that depends on the person buying it. If the person looks mean or whatever-- avoid that person. Lol.

But to point things out--- people criticize new keepers; but in reality they never do anything to begin with. I'd like to see the people doing so actually giving out advice without sounding smuggish.

---------- Post added at 01:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:29 PM ----------

i really wish this was the way things could be, but when i worked at an independent retailer myself and a few of my fellow coworkers tried this, and we nearly got fired. i learned my stuff, ways to sell the right things instead of the superfluous, learned ways to effectively steer customers in the right direction (education first, mostly) with just the right amount of pursuasion, got applauded on my honesty, made repeat customers that stayed with the store for years until i left, but even i didn't do enough good in my dealings to not undergo scrutiny for damaging the bottom line at the store, even as their lead and top seller.

and even when retail isn't being a terribly dishonest practice, sometimes not giving the customer what they want can end up being an even worse hassle than doing it to keep your concience clean.

i understand where both sides are coming from. do i want a ban on certain pets period? absolutely not. but like the OP posed, do i wish certain things were way harder to find than an impulse buy at a petstore with a clueless employee helping you? absolutely.

i guess if somebody really wants something, they'll find a way to get it, not much we can do. maybe they will learn a little bit about it in their quest. but there's probably an 80% of the rest who will give up in the meantime and find something else shiny and easier to find. maybe buy a wii. or even adopt a rescue kitty instead :)

and that 80%... my god, after rehabbing multiple mistreated and abandoned pets that were bought as a frivolous fancy, after hearing stories my closest coworker who used to be a vet-tech would tell me, and seeing senseless death and cruelty to animals who would have been better off not born, yes 80% does matter.
I worked at a petstore. I tried to teach customers and sometimes not give what they want. But honestly--- if you do that they will fire your arse so fast that you can't even say ouch quickly enough! How'd you think I got fired? I worked there for a year. I refused to sell a person an animal because the person wanted to keep it in a bowl. A frog in a bowl. Even after I told it everything. So people should also realize that the workers are not to blame. They're there to do a job. A job is a job. And if they get fired--- they can be replaced fast and easy. There will be many animals that will die whether we want to or not. But we shouldn't concern ourselves with things we can't prevent.

And know this--- everyone has a boss.


Feb 6, 2010
Ah, a PETA member.... :barf:
It should be illegal for most humans to breed, but that is another thread...
not a peta member at all. I just believe that cat's are a major problem to the ecosystem. do you know how much it cost to maintain 1 cat in a shelter for a month? probably around 100$X1,000,000.dogs should be adopted rather than than be bred.there are well over a million dogs in shelters that need homes right now.
so what I say to you is think logically. and screw peta.


Old Timer
Sep 15, 2008
not a peta member at all. I just believe that cat's are a major problem to the ecosystem. do you know how much it cost to maintain 1 cat in a shelter for a month? probably around 100$X1,000,000.dogs should be adopted rather than than be bred.there are well over a million dogs in shelters that need homes right now.
so what I say to you is think logically. and screw peta.
I'm not a fan of cats myself. Though some are cute. But I agree most should be just adopted. Though, they should give more attention to the animals u p for adoption. Well that's just my two cents on them.


Old Timer
Oct 31, 2005
Iguanas, Hermit Crabs & Fish

For every fish you see there in the tank 3 have died during the catching/import process. Atleast that is what our vendor had told us.

H. laoticus

Old Timer
Mar 11, 2009
I agree that there are issues with some animals that make them unreasonable and illogical to keep selling. However, I think one big problem is the low standards and expectations of the pet stores. For example, they will hire people without much knowledge on the animals and they will sell the animals to people who have little knowledge on the animal. They shouldn't be sending people out the door with a goldfish and a fish bowl.


Feb 6, 2010
I'm not a fan of cats myself. Though some are cute. But I agree most should be just adopted. Though, they should give more attention to the animals u p for adoption. Well that's just my two cents on them.
I own 2 cats. both were rescues.


Old Timer
Sep 15, 2008
I agree that there are issues with some animals that make them unreasonable and illogical to keep selling. However, I think one big problem is the low standards and expectations of the pet stores. For example, they will hire people without much knowledge on the animals and they will sell the animals to people who have little knowledge on the animal. They shouldn't be sending people out the door with a goldfish and a fish bowl.
That's how they make money bro. If many people knew the actual care they wouldn't get it in the first place. Now the person is stuck with a fish that grows big and must come back for a larger tank. It's business. It's not like you can ask em "oh hey would you stop making a profit? It upsets our sensitivity-crycry"If you did that. Pretty sure they would just point and laugh.

You can't expect for everything. It's like--- people want low prices for pet care stuff, yet they want better management, better care for the animal. It's not a charity. It's work. They're just trying to make a living. Pretty sure you guys wouldn't want someone comming to your jobs and be like "YOU STOLE OUR JOBZ! U KILLERZ OF BUSINESS!" or whatever. Anyone who expects a company or any worker to not make a profit to LIVE is very ludicrous and hypocritical. When you start donating your money to the homeless and adopt kids. And go over to the homeless shelter and offer help and give most of your money to them. THEN you can go scold people trying to make a profit. But yes things can be better. But its a store. Not a hobbyst.

---------- Post added at 08:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:50 PM ----------

Iguanas, Hermit Crabs & Fish

For every fish you see there in the tank 3 have died during the catching/import process. Atleast that is what our vendor had told us.
None are that bad. If you have the time and patience. Plus! guess what? to those who own arachnids or whatever you own--- where do you think it came from? Even if its captive bred. Think about it. Where did it came from? Pretty sure it didn't pop into your tank and be like "OH HEYZ HOMESLICE IMA CHILL IN DIZ HERE TANKZ AND MAEK SUM BBYZ".

No someone went to the wild and took it from there, and bred it for captivity. Keeping animals in captivity doesn't do anything for the wild population. If an animal in the wild goes extinct its not the hobbyst job to bring em' back. That's the job for a wild life rehab or whatever. You're not helping anyone but your own needs and selfish desires. So anyone at all who owns an animal and says petstores are bad I pretty much think is hypocritical and ludicrous.


Aug 29, 2010
some Very good arguments here....I dont think that there should be bans on exotics, but i hate seeing them in a store on a shelf in bad conditions.
And i would be willing to pay more for an animal i thought was properly cared for than one that is just existing and go much farther out of my way as well if it meant an overall better condition.
I wish everyone that was going to get an animal would reach out to folks in the know about whatever they fancied long b4 purchase...but it never seems to work out like that... anyway my 2 wooden pennies.


May 19, 2011
I wish everyone that was going to get an animal would reach out to folks in the know about whatever they fancied long b4 purchase...but it never seems to work out like that...
Me too. Maybe they would if we could all be better to one another when people came asking for help; as SandDeku said in his posts, a lot of new enthusiasts (I hate the term newb, it's very condescending) are turned off or are intimidated by other hobbyists. Granted, it is hard to avoid becoming exasperated when you hear the same questions time and time again and I am guilty of this myself. Maybe if we pretended the other person was in front of us and could give us a smack in the chops for acting like jerks, we could behave with a little more civility.

As for the stores--it's very difficult to hinder that spur-of-the-moment purchasing tendency. The store I used to work at was near a Party City, Guitar Works and a Carpool, which equalled to a lot of spontaneous, bored foot traffic wandering through the store and treating it like a free zoo. And it's a delicate matter, trying to convince someone that they are making a mistake. Practice makes perfect, I guess. I am definitely not salesperson material, nor would I work in a pet store again. It is depressing.

H. laoticus

Old Timer
Mar 11, 2009
That's how they make money bro. If many people knew the actual care they wouldn't get it in the first place. Now the person is stuck with a fish that grows big and must come back for a larger tank. It's business. It's not like you can ask em "oh hey would you stop making a profit? It upsets our sensitivity-crycry"If you did that. Pretty sure they would just point and laugh.

You can't expect for everything. It's like--- people want low prices for pet care stuff, yet they want better management, better care for the animal. It's not a charity. It's work. They're just trying to make a living. Pretty sure you guys wouldn't want someone comming to your jobs and be like "YOU STOLE OUR JOBZ! U KILLERZ OF BUSINESS!" or whatever. Anyone who expects a company or any worker to not make a profit to LIVE is very ludicrous and hypocritical. When you start donating your money to the homeless and adopt kids. And go over to the homeless shelter and offer help and give most of your money to them. THEN you can go scold people trying to make a profit. But yes things can be better. But its a store. Not a hobbyst.

Yup, it's a money issue obviously. I know it's a business first and foremost, I get it. But this thread is more about wishful thinking and in my alternate reality, these big pet store corps actually have educated employees. I'm pretty sure they'd still make bank, they are just greedy as hell and won't think twice about screwing an animal or a family over for money. Of course it's not charity, but it's more than just "work" they're doing as you say, they're handling live animals inappropriately (to say the least) and it's unfortunate that their animals are just commodities and nothing more. I think these pet stores (ie Petco) are beyond "making a living" as you suggest. They're not like the private pet stores I know that actually have educated people running their businesses. Your reply kind of went haywire and your points are all things I'm aware of, but my reply is: hell yeah I can scold people for trying to make a profit. If it's in a manner in which the store has no problems taking advantage of its customers, providing crap service and inaccurate information, sending its live products off to suffer before dying in the hands of clueless kids, you bet I'll say something about it. There's a difference in making a profit to "live" as you say (I have no problems with making a living, that's life) and just plain out greediness because they are making bank either way. Don't look away at what they do to make that profit. Not all businesses trying to make a profit are the same and I will not treat/look at them as the same. Being a business does not justify the actions they do to "make a living." Sure, I've bought things from places like Petco, but now that I'm more aware, I try my best to look at private breeders and buy from private businesses who actually take care of their animals, who care about their customers. Bad businesses won't be getting my business.


Old Timer
Sep 15, 2008
Yup, it's a money issue obviously. I know it's a business first and foremost, I get it. But this thread is more about wishful thinking and in my alternate reality, these big pet store corps actually have educated employees. I'm pretty sure they'd still make bank, they are just greedy as hell and won't think twice about screwing an animal or a family over for money. Of course it's not charity, but it's more than just "work" they're doing as you say, they're handling live animals inappropriately (to say the least) and it's unfortunate that their animals are just commodities and nothing more. I think these pet stores (ie Petco) are beyond "making a living" as you suggest. They're not like the private pet stores I know that actually have educated people running their businesses. Your reply kind of went haywire and your points are all things I'm aware of, but my reply is: hell yeah I can scold people for trying to make a profit. If it's in a manner in which the store has no problems taking advantage of its customers, providing crap service and inaccurate information, sending its live products off to suffer before dying in the hands of clueless kids, you bet I'll say something about it. There's a difference in making a profit to "live" as you say (I have no problems with making a living, that's life) and just plain out greediness because they are making bank either way. Don't look away at what they do to make that profit. Not all businesses trying to make a profit are the same and I will not treat/look at them as the same. Being a business does not justify the actions they do to "make a living." Sure, I've bought things from places like Petco, but now that I'm more aware, I try my best to look at private breeders and buy from private businesses who actually take care of their animals, who care about their customers. Bad businesses won't be getting my business.
Everyone's entitled to an opinion. But everyone "cons" someone at some point of life. Greediness is within everybody. It's an aspect of life. It's basically our survival instinct. Course they don't care. They would be making less and less money if they were to buy all the fancy smancy stuff. You do realize that the animals only stay in the store for about 2-3days? ussually the most would be a week?

H. laoticus

Old Timer
Mar 11, 2009
Everyone's entitled to an opinion. But everyone "cons" someone at some point of life. Greediness is within everybody. It's an aspect of life. It's basically our survival instinct. Course they don't care. They would be making less and less money if they were to buy all the fancy smancy stuff. You do realize that the animals only stay in the store for about 2-3days? ussually the most would be a week?
I understand that very well and sure, perhaps everyone has "conned" someone at some point in their life, but taking advantage of people every single day is a different story. For instance, I may be greedy with candy and not give it to anyone else, but these big corp pet stores are exploiting animals and people on a daily basis. These are completely different levels of greed. Their greed is coupled with using others to gain profit on a massive scale. Yes, everyone is capable of greed and everyone has been greedy with something in one circumstance or another, but does it make it ok? No, it doesn't. Does it matter if they're in the store for 2-3 days? No, not really, because at the end of those few days they will be with some misinformed customer who has the animal in a tiny cage without proper heating/lighting and it will suffer for weeks or months before finally dying.


Jul 2, 2010
Tortoises - - I cringe when I see a small tank full of baby sulcata tortoises. They're soooo cute, but where is the sign showing the full grown behemoth that basically needs your backyard as it's pen? I've found proper homes for a few of them, but it's rare to see the big ones anywhere . . . . . what happens to all those cute little babies in the pet stores?


Jun 11, 2011
Sorry if I'm cutting into a conversation or something, I just don't feel like reading the first pages. The 11 pages about Paul Becker interested me, but this is such a commonly-discussed topic that I feel I should just give my answer to the OP and leave. So,
Pygmy Chameleons
Snakes (except cornsnakes)
All Frogs
All Geckos
All Tarantulas
Bearded Dragons
Hermit Crabs


Old Timer
Sep 15, 2008
Sorry if I'm cutting into a conversation or something, I just don't feel like reading the first pages. The 11 pages about Paul Becker interested me, but this is such a commonly-discussed topic that I feel I should just give my answer to the OP and leave. So,
Pygmy Chameleons
Snakes (except cornsnakes)
All Frogs
All Geckos
All Tarantulas
Bearded Dragons
Hermit Crabs
Why would you join a forum about arachnids if you wish that all tarantulas were prohibited from being sold in petstores?


Old Timer
Jan 4, 2003
great topic, I haven't read through the thread yet but will tomorrow , but just wanted to add, that Cockatoo's shouldn't be sold as pets, never mind in pet stores.

later, Tom


Old Timer
Jul 14, 2008
I'm not going to read 3 pages that are nothing but walls of text. At least not now.

I am totally for no more selling of land hermit crabs in pet stores. They cannot and most likely will never be successfully bred and raised in captivity, and their numbers in the wild will eventually suffer as a result.

If you know what you're doing with them, then by all means, keep them. I just try not to encourage others to do so because it's alot of work for an invert.


Jun 11, 2011
Why would you join a forum about arachnids if you wish that all tarantulas were prohibited from being sold in petstores?
Well, to begin, pet stores seriously mistreat tarantulas, and I'm sick of seeing the G. rosea every time I walk into a PetCo that are just almost starved to death trying to push a giant sponge out of a water dish while desperately scaring away crickets that are too large or too small in size for it to eat. Pet stores are ignorant, selfish, and don't recognize tarantulas as more than a fraction of their sales. If I had more money and space, I'd probably adopt that rosie out, but why should I be responsible for that when it's the pet store's fault for ordering a tarantula in the first place? Also, I don't see how tarantulas being sold at pet stores has any correlation with joining a forum about them. For your information, I've never bought a tarantula from a pet store, always through shipments. That's also a reason why I joined the forums, there's many reputable and trustworthy dealers that I might otherwise not know about. Thanks for the kind welcome, by the way. [/sarcastic] Back on topic, maybe you have some story about how your first tarantula was at a pet store, or you always buy from pet stores or something, but I'm not you and I think ending mistreatment of tarantulas in pet stores is a good thing. Sorry if I dislike animal abuse and joined a forum about arachnids and people who treat them correctly :D .